Growing ornamental grasses next to hydrangeas can add tons of texture and interest. These gorgeous grasses will thrive in ...
Ornamental grasses add texture and interest to any landscape and are generally pretty low-maintenance. Here's a gorgeous ...
This species earned itself that name because each fine grass-like leaf or stem has a small flower spike at the ... to investigate some other colorful ornamental grasses to add to your landscape.
When backlit by the sun, the tall waving flower spikes of giant feather grass (Stipa gigantea) are an arresting beauty. Lucas calls ornamental grasses “the ultimate mood-setters.” From a ...
The fashion for ornamental grasses really took off around 15 years ago, and while many dismissed them as a fad that would soon be out of favour, their appeal has prevailed. They are generally low ...
As time passes, I have come to regard the (Euryops pectinatus) as an ornamental plant that no Southern California garden ...
Allium produce globular-shaped flowers and are available in multiple colours apart from purple. They grow up to two to five feet and need full sun exposure. Petunias are one of the popular purple ...
Lavender is a favourite plant for the balcony, it blooms purple flowers and has a nice smell. Yet, it needs very little maintenance, can grow in full sunlight, and adds a calming feel to any area ...
Bring plenty of Energy Drinks to survive. And even entering the field, it isn’t clear where to get the Weird Flower artifact. The Weird Ball is even stranger. There’s an anomaly of a big water ...