Hún var aldeilis falleg áramótakveðjan sem íslenskir veitingamenn, viðskiptavinir og þúsundir starfsmanna veitingageirans fengu frá Eflingu. Áramótakveðjan, sem sett var fram af stjórnarmanni Eflingar ...
Í lýðræðisþjóðfélagi er hornsteinn réttlætis m.a. málshraði. Þegar stofnanir sem hafa það hlutverk að gæta sanngirni og jafnræðis ná ekki að tryggja það er kjarni réttlætisins í hættu. Sem ...
Auk trausts og ábyrgðar styður gagnsæi nýsköpun. Opin kerfi hvetja til samvinnu, sem gerir forriturum og vísindamönnum um allan heim kleift að leggja fram nýjar hugmyndir og eiginleika. Þetta ...
Mr. Carville is a veteran of Democratic presidential campaigns, including Bill Clinton’s in 1992, and a consultant to American Bridge, a Democratic super PAC. I thought Kamala Harris would win ...
Wetherspoons is making a huge change across its 750 pubs around the country that will no doubt delight their thousands of customers. The offer will start from January 2 and go right up until ...
In case you missed last Friday’s pre-holiday news dump, the Department of Housing and Urban Development reported that homelessness this year hit a record. Add this to President Biden’s ...
Thirty-three years ago, India's mild-mannered Finance Minister delivered a startlingly bold Budget to the nation with the memorable words, ‘No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.
As we close out the past year and look ahead to 2025, we reflect on what we've achieved and how we can make next year better—achieve our personal goals, give back to our communities, and ...
Mark Carney is chair of the Canada 2020 Advisory Board and a former governor of the Bank of Canada and Bank of England. Over the holidays, Canadians enjoy spending time with their families and ...
Í ár voru 552 bátar skráðir til veiða við upphaf þeirra og hafði fjölgað um 36 milli ára. Vill Bjarni meina að í þessu kerfi muni auknar heimildir einfaldlega leiða til fjölgunar báta og þannig verði ...
Columnist Josh Glancy wrote a piece in The Jewish Chronicle last year titled, ‘The Jewish century is over, the Indian century has just begun’. That piece, in many ways, preempts the bile storm raging ...