Dr. Ben-Ghiat is a historian and the author, most recently, of “Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.” At a campaign rally in Virginia in June, Donald Trump hinted at the new kind of ...
The writers are professors at the University of Chicago Law School. After more than a year of exhausting controversies over free expression at colleges and universities, America’s business ...
When President Trump told me he would nominate me to direct the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I was deeply honored. I carry not only the dreams of my parents but the hopes of millions of ...
As Americans worried over disruptions to SNAP benefits needed to feed their children, scientists who work on lifesaving research saw their work paused. Then, 2.3 million federal workers were ...
Journal Editorial Report: The week's best and worst from Kim Strassel, Kyle Peterson, and Dan Henninger. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP/Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images/Martin Schutt/AP Talk about ...
We recently flipped the calendar with exhaustion and hope into 2025. Staring back at us were 12 months divided into 52 weeks with the usual repeating seven-day pattern. Occasionally, the pages ...
Avian botulism found to be killing ducks in Dunedin and Insurance Council's message after Mangawhai tornado. Video / NZ Herald, Supplied The new Police Commissioner has proposed cuts to some of ...
Birgir Jónasson, settur forstjóri Fangelsismálastofnunar, segir rafrænt eftirlit vannýtt á Íslandi. Slíkt kerfi er þegar í notkun þegar kemur að fullnustu refsinga, en eins og komið hefur fram er ...
Ein af lykiltillögum Félags atvinnurekenda, sem sendar voru inn í hugmyndabanka ríkisstjórnarinnar vegna sparnaðar og hagræðingar í ríkisrekstri, er um umbætur í opinberum innkaupum. Þar má spara háar ...
Colleges and universities can help tap into and create a cohort of able volunteers committed to the long- and short-term needs of communities after a disaster.
Snjóþekja, mikill skafrenningur og hvassviðri eru á Reykjanesbrautinni og brýnir Vegagerðin fyrir vegfarendum á mjög smáum bílum að vera sem minnst á ferðinni á meðan veðrið gengur yfir. Íþróttafélög ...