That's just good email etiquette. And while you could simply set up your out-of-office message to say the necessary info, why be boring? There's enough snooze-worthy stuff to read in the world ...
Whether it’s for the end-of-year holidays, to spend some time on a boat or you want a few days to yourself on a road trip or staycation, you've earned some time off. Before you go, don’t forget to let ...
Bold and sarcastic emails are sending a message that employees won’t work outside of their regular hours. But not all snarky autoreplies strike the right tone.
You can set up this automated message on the Gmail desktop website or mobile app, and even share your out-of-office status with others. Here's how to do it all. When your out-of-office reply is ...
The Out-Of-Office Template You Should Use This Holiday Season Even if it's for a short amount of time, an autoresponder helps you enjoy your time off from work. How To Take An Email Sabbatical ...
The humble out-of-office (OOO) email is undergoing a transformation as employees increasingly use it to assert their boundaries and inject a little personality into workplace communication. Once a ...
And in the internet age, perhaps as important as all the rest: have you turned on your out-of-office message? For the holidaying employee, there are, in fact, few more delightful moments.
Because of that I try my best to help others feel seen and supported, and my out-of-office messages are just one way I do that." Those automated email messages "gave [me] permission to have an ...