If you've ever seen a modern racing film, there's a good chance you've seen nitrous used in a race or two. Here's how it ...
The Los Angeles City Council is considering cracking down on the illegal sale of nitrous oxide — known as laughing gas — used ...
Residents are concerned about people getting behind the wheel and the long-term effects of nitrous oxide abuse ...
Thomas Johnson, 19, breathed nitrous oxide in through balloons ... corner for title rematch Curiosity Detects 'Habitable' ...
During the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification, nitrogen and oxygen—the components of nitrous oxide—take on subtle isotopic changes that Yu's instruments can read like a ...
During the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification, nitrogen and oxygen -- the components of nitrous oxide -- take on subtle isotopic changes that Yu's instruments can read like a ...
Recently, we learned that an oxygen flow meter had been forced into a nitrous oxide wall outlet that was directly adjacent to an oxygen outlet in a radiology suite. The oxygen flow meter's index ...
The science of breathing and greenhouse gases When we breathe in, oxygen enters our lungs and ... focused on two less-discussed gases: methane and nitrous oxide. Both are much more potent greenhou ...
Building on his previous funding into Idaho riverbed pollution from the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a ...
The whole humanity around the world and each generation must take up the baton to ensure the continued survival of our planet ...
The symbiont’s role is thus strongly reminiscent of mitochondria, with the key difference that the endosymbiont derives energy from the respiration of nitrate, not oxygen. Now the researchers ...