The One Piece anime series, which has been on hiatus since October will finally return next year on April 6th in Japan. It ...
Gintama is now in the midst of a years long celebration for the franchise’s 20th anniversary, and now the first trailer has been revealed for a new Gintama spinoff anime series coming next year.
What’s New for Witch Watch? The newest update for Witch Watch announced during Jump Festa was the confirmation that it will be running consecutively through the Spring and Summer 2025 anime schedules ...
Across every platform, there are hundreds of series available to watch, some of which number in the hundreds or even ...
Passengers can join by scanning a QR code displayed throughout the airport, linking to NNIC’s e-raffle system. Each flight to ...
At first glance, Sony Group Corp.’s $1.2 billion acquisition of the anime streaming site Crunchyroll in 2021 looks like a ...
Here’s everything you need to know about the new anime adaptation of the series Your Forma, from the teaser and cast details to the release window and more.
KADOKAWA President Natsuno Takeshi says in an exclusive interview with Nippon TV that the company will globally ...
Welcome to the live updates platform for Hindustan Times. Follow the major news updates, headlines and breaking news stories ...
Manga creator Satoru Hiura has been representing charming women who reflect their times in her work such as “Hotaru no Hikari ...
KADOKAWA and Sony historically have collaborated on various projects, and through this capital and business alliance, intend ...
United Arab Emirates Economy Minister Abdullah Bin Touq Al Marri gave an exclusive interview to Nippon TV on December ...