The enteric nervous system is composed of nerves that are embedded in the organs of the digestive system, which control breakdown of food, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of waste.
Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is an anxiety symptom that can be triggered by certain, anxiety-inducing situations. Here’s ...
Japanese collectors spent billions on European paintings during the bubble economy of the 1980s. Officials today hope to inspire a new generation of art lovers. By Zachary Small The National ...
Regeneration and repair in the nervous system is a process by which damaged tissue undergoes regrowth or renewal, leading to eventual restoration of nervous system function. This process happens ...
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary science that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the nervous system. It encompasses the evolution, development, cellular and molecular ...
On this episode of Political Breakdown, host Lesley McClurg discusses this week's highlights on Capitol Hill, and explores what we can expect going forward with Zack Beauchamp. He's a senior ...
Parasitic infections can invade practically any part of the body. Brain parasites, those that infect the central nervous system which includes the brain, are potentially the most damaging and the most ...