That angiogram done within minutes of this event was 100% normal — normal arteries, ventricular function, no spasm, no sign of ... I underwent a CT scan, and the ER doctor came in grim-faced.
A hair extension technician blamed her back pain on her big breasts and battled it with paracetamol for two years - until ...
Women, also, are much more likely to talk of three or more signs in addition to chest pain, like pain in the arm, jaw/teeth, upper back or stomach, shortness of breath on exertion or at rest, extreme ...
Cramps aren’t always a sign of menstruation ... Depending on the results of your pelvic exam, they may do an ultrasound or order other diagnostic tests, such as a CT scan or MRI. In some cases, you ...
I started feeling even more exhausted than usual. I also had lower back and abdominal pain and bloating, but I shrugged it off because women just have to deal with that..." ...