In a unique Christmas-themed episode of Transformers Animated, fans got an unexpected glimpse of their favorite Autobots as flesh-and-blood humans, thanks to a devious plot by the villainous Soundwave ...
The Transformers series is full of clever and creative weaponry, from the original cartoons to the live-action movies, with guns and swords galore.
The Iron Giant came out in 1999, and in some ways, it appears to have sparked a genre of stories that continues to put out incredible stories today.
Most of these toys ... his nemesis Skeletor are also valuable collectibles. The Caped Crusader was never more flexible than in this toy iteration, in which the Dark Knight tried his absolute hardest ...
Held three times a year on the Keokuk County Fairgrounds, this behemoth of a market sprawls across acres of land, ...
The sarcastic, trash-digging Rattrap is here as the latest drop from Takara Tomy’s Transformers lineup. He may be a little dirty and a little trashy, but he’s still going to win a fight!
The 3-14 record doesn't mean everyone was a bad egg. In fact, ESPN writer Seth Walder ranked the top 100 "Most Valuable Player" candidates, and Titans defensive tackle Jeffery Simmons ended up at ...