Perry, a beloved miniature donkey who has been a fixture of Bol Park for nearly three decades and who famously served as the model for the Donkey character in "Shrek," was euthanized on Thursday after ...
A fact known by barnyard animal experts and “Shrek” scholars: Until Thursday, the Bay Area was home to what may very well have been the world’s most famous donkey .
Perry, the beloved Barron Park donkey who served as the real-life model for the 2001 film “Shrek,” has died, according to the ...
Lego's Mario Kart lineup includes six sets ranging from $15 to $80, and you can buy all of them at Amazon, Walmart, the Lego ...
Cyprus has been divided for more than 50 years and the two parts have developed very differently. While millions of tourists flock to the Greek-Cypriot south ever year, the Turkish-Cypriot north is ...
If you're passionate about Japanese Kei cars and trucks, there's a good chance that you know what the Honda Acty is. A ...