Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective is based on the Ameku Takao's Detective Karte novel series by writer Mikito Chinen and illustrator Noizi Itō. The anime series is streaming on Crunchyroll on Wednesdays.
Shirts, hats, and wine tumblers bearing words from ammunition found at the scene of Brian Thompson’s killing appeared on shopping sites including Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Temu.
The phrase could be a reference to tactics health insurers have used to decline or limit medical claims ... with the slogan featured an image of a guillotine. Also on Monday on TikTok Shop ...
PPV featured Jon Moxley retaining the world championship with help from his friends, Adam Copeland returning to bring hope at ...
Some would like America to see this killing as a springboard to a broader discussion about the alleged abuses of the health care industry in regulating medical ... them to the guillotine during ...
(The image above is an example of Sumerian writing from the time period of the fart joke and was recorded for posterity, but it's slightly more sophisticated — it's about medical practices.) ...
Adding to the list of the biggest losers is Mithika Linturi, the former Agriculture CS. Linturi was part of the initial ...
Some of the designs feature guillotines, guns and target symbols ... he makes to a charity that assists people with paying their medical bills. The graphic designer behind one version of the ...
Some of the designs feature guillotines, guns and target symbols ... he makes to a charity that assists people with paying their medical bills. The graphic designer behind one version of the ...
From the jailing of a notorious former mayor to stories of both sadness and heroism, 2024 was a busy year Downriver. These were some of the most impactful ones that came out of the year. JANUARY ...