Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective is based on the Ameku Takao's Detective Karte novel series by writer Mikito Chinen and illustrator Noizi Itō. The anime series is streaming on Crunchyroll on Wednesdays.
PPV featured Jon Moxley retaining the world championship with help from his friends, Adam Copeland returning to bring hope at ...
Adding to the list of the biggest losers is Mithika Linturi, the former Agriculture CS. Linturi was part of the initial ...
Ex-Harris County health director , Barbie Robinson, has been charged with three new felonies in awarding $40M-worth of ...
An 11-year-old martial arts student is currently on life support after he was struck by a car just days before Christmas.
Applying to medical school is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires significant focus, planning and discipline over the course of several years. Though the formal application process typically ...
Digital healthcare consultations are not enough for a safe assessment of tonsillitis, according to a study from the University of Gothenburg. Singapore has been ranked among the world's top 10 ...
In the era of big data, global mass data flow has presented data storage systems with a looming challenge. As DNA has incredibly high storage density – a single gram of DNA can store 215,000 ...