Superstar Manju Warrier recently took the delivery of a luxury bike, and she has took her new ride for a spin. The actress was accompanied by her ‘Vellaripattanam’ co-star Soubin Shahir.
As per the reports that are available online, Manju Warrier, who is one of the leading actresses from the industry always had a love for bikes. The actress however did not have a two-wheeler driving ...
Manju Warrier & Soubin Shahir with BMW R1250 GS The 44-year-old actress always had a crush on motorcycles, but it was only recently that she got her two-wheeler license. A few months after she got her ...
Kakkanad: As the Motor Vehicle Inspector A R Rajesh said, Start, Action… actor Manju Warrier, known to be the lady superstar ... Now, she is all set to buy a BMW bike. Last year, Manju bought an ...
The actress had recently passed her two-wheeler test for her driving license. There are many actresses in the Indian film industry who ride bikes but, Manju Warrier is probably the first one from the ...
Ajeesh specializes both in bikes and cars, delivering timely news reports and ... and one of the recent movie actress to buy an electric car is Malayalam actress Manju Warrier. The actress has bought ...
As Manju Warrier goes all out promoting her upcoming movie Vettaiyan, the grapevine is buzzing about her possible role in Thalapathy 69. In a recent media interaction, television presenter ...