Your navigation system just got a critical update, one that happens periodically because Earth’s magnetic north pole keeps ...
E arth's magnetic north pole has shifted again, moving closer to Siberia and away from its previous position in Canada. This ...
There is a geographical north pole and a magnetic north pole, the magnetic pole is moving. Scientists have found a new model ...
Belarus’ NAS has selected top ten significant research and developments for the countryEvery year, Belarusian scientists diligently work ...
The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST) fusion energy reactor set a new record at Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province.
Molecules haven't been used in quantum computing, even though they have the potential to make the ultra-high-speed ...
From hypothetical magnetic levitation trains and space elevators that aren't even attached to the ground, to very real space cannons tested in the 1960s, humans have come up with a lot o ...
As scientists say, spending money on experiences leads to more satisfaction and well-being than material goods, and cruises represent exactly that, providing adventure, leisure, and global discovery.
Our scientists should be proceeding with extreme caution, but unfortunately for us, that simply isn’t happening.
Japanese scientists have created the first-ever long-term dataset about Earth's entire atmosphere, stretching all the way to ...
Fast radio bursts are mysterious and brief flashes of radio emissions that were thought to be produced by magnetars, highly magnetized rotating neutron stars. Yet magnetars appear primarily in young ...
Although happiness can feel like an amorphous concept, science has explored key pieces of the experience, such as which choices, activities, and mindsets lead to fulfillment, common ...