Madagascar is an animated film series produced by DreamWorks Animation. Voices of Ben Stiller, Jada Pinkett Smith, Chris Rock and David Schwimmer are featured in the films. The plot follows the ...
Except, get this: Williams is represented as a CGI chimpanzee. Like, a walking, talking, human-size chimp, portrayed and voiced by a combination of a motion-capture actor (Jonnie Davies), a ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Steve Haining and Ciara Antoski went deeper than the no-decompression limit at a wreck in 50 metres of water off the coast ...
San Francisco-based studio Collins was keen to keep Mailchimp’s much-loved winking chimp mascot Freddie, but gave him a slicker overall look. The studio also replaced the previous logotype with a ...
Chimpanzees are, along with bonobos, our closest living relatives. They are also endangered, with numbers continuing to decline. They inhabit diverse habitats in sub-Saharan Africa, from relatively ...
If you love Documentaries and are looking for your next favorite, then you're in luck. We've compiled a list of the best Documentaries available to watch now on Amazon Prime Video. Scroll through and ...
All titles are available on both DVD and Blu-ray unless otherwise noted.