MRCP(UK), FRCP(Edin), FRCP(Lond), FRCPCH(UK), FSLCPaed, FCCP, Hony. FRCPCH(UK), Hony. FCGP(SL) (Specialist Consultant ...
Announcing a new article publication for Zoonoses journal. Leptospirosis is a re-emerging zoonotic disease that significantly impacts animals and human health worldwide.
The Chenango County Health Department is warning residents about an increase in the number of cases of leptospirosis in dogs.
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According to the Health Ministry and the Epidemiology Unit sources, over 10,000 cases of leptospirosis, commonly known as rat ...
NORWICH (WBNG) -- The Chenango County Health Department said it has seen an increase in cases of leptospirosis in dogs. The ...
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacteria in contaminated soil and water that is spread through urine. It can live in water and soil for months at a time. Humans and animals, including pets ...
How many of you have sat in your veterinarian’s exam room with a list of recommended vaccines and wondered “does my pet really need this?" ...
Recent data reveals that Karnataka has the third highest number of rabies deaths in India from 2021 to 2024, prompting calls for increased awareness and action to address the rising threat from rabies ...