Salman Khan celebrated his grand birthday in style with family, close friends, and Bollywood stars in Jamnagar, Gujarat. The lavish event was hosted by the Ambanis, featuring opulent decor, a star ...
Laser cleaning isn’t quite ubiquitous, but it’s gaining a foothold for applications like paint and rust removal as well as ...
He shared the celebration with his niece Ayat, both cutting cakes together. Many Bollywood stars attended the intimate gathering. The event also marks the anticipation for the trailer launch of ...
As the name implies, it started life as a Python tool for generating parametric boxes that could be assembled from laser-cut material, but has since become an invaluable online resource for all ...
Kumpulan ayat-ayat Alkitab yang bermakna untuk perayaan Natal, dapat menjadi inspirasi untuk ucapan dan renungan penuh cinta serta kedamaian. Perayaan Natal merupakan waktu yang sangat berarti, ...
Salman and Ayat went on to cut a beautiful two-tier cake in white and yellow hues adorned with edible flowers. Their family members and close friends joined them in the grand affair, and the guest ...
Mummies’ skin glows brightly when scanned by a laser, revealing the fine details of any tattoos on the preserved body part 1.
Seluruh ayat dalam Al-Qur'an merupakan firman Allah SWT yang mulia. Namun ada beberapa ayat yang agung dan utama, salah satunya yakni Ayat Kursi. Ayat Kursi memiliki banyak keutamaan. Mengutip buku ...
Ada banyak umat Islam yang percaya, dengan mengamalkan ayat 1000 dinar maka akan dimudahkan segala urusan hidupnya. Tentu saja mengamalkan ayat ini harus dilakukan seraya memantapkan diri bahwa Allah ...
One thing that’s important is to use FR1 phenolic substrate instead of the more common FR4. FR4 uses epoxy which will probably produce some toxic fumes under the laser.
Interestingly 'Bhaijaan' and his niece, Ayat, share their birthday on the same day. Now, a video has gone viral from the lavish celebrations where Salman was seen cutting the birthday cake with little ...