the chemical kinetics of high-temperature flows. We are examining the vehicle geometries and freestream conditions where quantities of interest, such as heat flux, are particularly sensitive to ...
chemical equilibria, kinetics, and acid-base chemistry. Includes laboratory component that emphasizes lecture components. Introduces chemical engineering as a profession using the theme of industrial ...
15 file, and a list of steps in the reduced mechanism using the links below. Using a computer algorithm for automatic generation of reduced chemistry, an augmented reduced mechanism, consisting of 16 ...
UDRI’s Kinetics and Process Engineering researchers investigate the interactions involved in and results produced by dynamic processes such as combustion; incineration; laser photolysis; soot and ...
Welcome to the Reaction Kinetics group! Our research interests focus on reaction kinetics and oxidation chemistry in the gas phase, both under normal atmospheric conditions and during low-temperature ...
A study of chemical reaction engineering including design and analysis of chemical reactors, the fundamentals of chemical kinetics, and analysis of reaction rate data. This course examines the ...