Two of the former child stars from the beloved 2000s Jack Black film tied the knot, and their bandmates were there to cheer ...
A bond that stood the test of time! After costarring together as kids in the 2003 film School of Rock, Caitlin Hale and ...
As for their big day? Well, a great excuse for a full-blown reunion of the "School of Rock" cast. Rivkah Reyes (Katie, the ...
Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, who played Marta and Frankie respectively in the 2003 classic alongside Jack Black, brought ...
Two child stars rocked their way into wedded bliss about two decades after they met on the set of School of Rock. Caitlin ...
Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, who starred as Marta and Frankie in 'School of Rock' when they were just kids, tied the knot recently.