BJP Tamil Nadu president K Annamalai self-whipped to protest against the sexual assault incident at Chennai's Anna University. Through this act, he also took on MK Stalin's DMK government, calling it ...
DECEMBER 27 — A criminal lawyer, Dr Shamsher Singh Thind, has spoken in defence of public whipping of the man convicted of khalwat. Dr Shamsher, who holds a diploma in shariah legal practice, said ...
A criminal lawyer has defended the Terengganu shariah court’s order for the public whipping of a man convicted of close proximity, saying the state’s shariah enactment does not specify where ...
Police affidavits allege White pistol whipped a woman he knows during an argument, causing a contusion to her eye. He then allegedly fired several rounds into the air, turned and fired at the woman.
Pull out a Mason jar and some heavy cream. My mom taught me when I was a child that these are the only two items you need to make whipped cream, but I never anticipated their power to wow a crowd ...