The show also continued to spread its focus to include newer characters like Dr. Simone Griffith (Alexis Floyd), Dr. Benson “Blue” Kwan (Harry Shum Jr.), Dr. Jules Millin (Adelaide Kane), and ...
Finally, romance is in the air for divorcé Dr Winston Ndugu and newcomer Dr Monica Beltran, while Dr Mika Yasuda and Dr Jules Millin shared a near-kiss. Where will things go next? Well ...
First up is J-pop star Olivia Millin, whose vibrant energy and catchy tunes are sure to win over fans with her upcoming releases. Then there is the amazing metal guitarist Rene Benton, who’s ...
Dennis and Sandra Millin (center) hold the Century Farm designation during the presentation Friday at the state Farm Show in Harrisburg. Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding is at left.