The Chosen” released a third clip previewing the upcoming fifth season of the series. In a new four-minute clip from “The Chosen” Season 5, titled “Confrontation Over Jesus,” the Sanhedrin debate over ...
Researchers have pieced together the final moments of Jesus, creating a map that they believe shows his journey through ...
Dallas Jenkins explains how his approach to creating THE CHOSEN transformed the entertainment industry's views of Christian content.
Ahead of the upcoming release of the fifth season of “The Chosen,” the series has released a second sneak peek of what’s to ...
If we are going to be grounded in our belief that Jesus is truly the Messiah and the only way to the Father, we must not only have a grasp of the New Testament, but the Old Testament as well. If we do ...
He attributes his success not to personal ability but to divine guidance, embodying the Jewish ideal of leadership as service to others. Pharaoh recognized in Joseph a Hebrew outsider who fused ...
“We understand Jesus as being Jewish, and the early Christians came out of that Jewish tradition, so they would have understood Passover ... other people around the table and you enjoy a ...
“We understand Jesus as being Jewish, and the early Christians came out of that Jewish tradition, so they would have understood Passover ... other people around the table and you enjoy a ...
InvestigationGod incarnate, rabbi, mystic: who really was Jesus? Since the beginning of critical studies on the Gospels, hundreds of researchers have tried to read between the legends to determine ...
The Campaign Against Antisemitism then said: 'A quick historical note: ‘Maryam’ (Mary) was a Jewish woman from Judea, under Roman rule. 'The region wasn’t called "Palestine" until 100 ...