When observing fine works of art, we don’t even touch ... When it comes to the holy Eucharist, the living sacramental presence of Jesus Christ, this should be true all the more.
The final resting place of the cup of Christ is the ‘holy grail’ of religious tourism. But hundreds of sites claiming to be ...
The guitar albums that had the biggest impact in the guitar world and beyond, as chosen by GW editors and pro players ...
Many people with disabilities, advocates and families want more religious congregations to know that there are ways to be ...
Merging technology and religion is a risk, not a road to spiritual fulfillment, says a scholar of Christianity.
Around 200 cups, in Europe alone, are said to be the Holy Grail. But what makes one cup holy - but not another?
a left-wing Catholic, responded defiantly to the archbishop for her home city banning her from receiving Holy Communion in the ... ‘Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church.’ ...
The annual challenge for clerics is to present a story listeners think they know everything about — the Son of God being born ...
Peter Tanaka is a fourth-year student at Union and cochair of its student senate. He identifies as half Japanese and half ...
Attendees sang, prayed and took Communion for the final time in their church. Kenyon delivered his last sermon there, until ...
Chad Hyatt swept leaves away from a colorful table painted to say, “All of Y’all are Welcome,” that held a 5-gallon jug of ...