Bordering on the “sacrilegious,” she suggested that what the IDF has accomplished over the past year actually surpasses ...
When the Maccabees finally recaptured Jerusalem and the Temple, they found it in ruins. But amid the devastation, they discovered one sealed jar of pure olive oil bearing the seal of the High Priest.
The festival of Chanukah commemorates the Maccabees’ victory over the Syrian tyrant Antiochus IV, who had conquered Jerusalem ...
Hanukkah is one of the most famous holidays in the Jewish calendar, but here are facts about the Festival of Lights that you ...
Hanukkah, perhaps the only Jewish holiday that has been confirmed by the archaeological record, celebrates the singular, ...
In liberal, Jewish households, Hanukkah has always been something of an embarrassment. First, there’s the unavoidable truth ...
The real deal was that, because of the temple takeover, the Jews hadn’t been able to observe the weeklong fall pilgrimage ...
Let’s embrace the light this Hanukkah as we celebrate this holiday with fantastic family activities! Hanukkah is a magical ...
The car parade began Sunday afternoon at Swantner Park and ended at Water's Edge Park where a grand menorah was lit.
We take you to what some believe is the world's oldest synagogue and it's right next door to the homes of podcast hosts Mark ...