Jeannot Szwarc, the French filmmaker known for the 1984 film "Supergirl" and 1978 blockbuster sequel "Jaws 2," died Wednesday ...
1975 was one of the years that changed movies forever, thanks to Steven Spielberg and “Jaws” ushering in the era of the blockbuster that still exists today. But other milestone movies and ...
The third Jaws movie took it a step further with a 3D format ... and here's how he felt about the follow-ups to his 1975 blockbuster. Some elements of Jaws 2 were praised, but in the end, it ...
The director of Jaws 2 and Santa Claus: The Movie, Jeannot Szwarc, has reportedly died, aged 85. The French-American director ...
LEGENDARY film director Jeannot Szwarc from Jaws 2 and Somewhere in Time has died at the age of 87. The French-American ...
The Chevrolet Blazer was one of the most iconic vehicles of the 70s, featuring the necessary traits for Roy Scheider's ...
Jane Seymour, who starred in Jeannot Szwarc's 1980 film 'Somewhere in Time', announced the French director's death on ...
Great things might be coming in these upcoming releases starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Michael B. Jordan, Anya Taylor-Joy, ...
“Extreme Close-Up,” 1984’s “Supergirl” and the 1975 film “Bug.” Szwarc notably took over the iconic “Jaws” franchise with “Jaws 2.” Athough the film did not receive a stellar ...