There are plenty of foods in the produce aisle that taste great and offer health benefits when consumed raw. Are potatoes among them?
Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can make people sick, usually causing food poisoning. It’s commonly found in raw meat, ...
The spread of avian influenza (HPAI) has also impacted the nationwide supply of poultry products, including eggs. Experts discuss whether it's safe to continue eating eggs.
Does the color of egg shells have any effect on your eggs’ flavor or nutritional value? Here’s what the experts say about ...
With 66 human cases and one death from bird flu in the current outbreak, there are several ways Americans could become sick.
“Can I eat 70 oysters for breakfast … ?” teased user Georgiana in the clip’s caption. The German food-fluencer, who lives in ...
Dr Eric Berg said they had 'gotten a bad rap for causing high cholesterol and increasing the risk of heart disease' ...
Poaching and boiling are two methods that best preserve the nutritional value of eggs, which includes proteins, vitamins, ...
Freezing eggs isn't something many home cooks often do. However, if you want to store your egg yolks this way, food writer ...
We all know about the dangers our children face when they step out of the door in the morning - busy roads, street crime, ...
Why are some egg yolks orange, while others are pale yellow? We asked poultry experts to explain how diet and access to a ...