Hip-hop and pop frequently dominate mainstream music conversations these days, but indie is well-represented in the latest Critics Poll: Albums, songs, music videos, and album covers by guitar ...
Aleksandr Mikitenko is an indie-underground singer-songwriter, musician and translator from Odessa, Ukraine, who became a refugee along with his family because of the Russian-Ukrainian war and ...
Koncentracja na dwóch odbiorcach — Chinach i Indiach — może drogo kosztować rosyjskich producentów ropy i budżet Kremla. Chociaż ropa zakupiona przed wprowadzeniem amerykańskich sankcji ...
Who: Singaporean indie singer, songwriter and music producer Shye. The 22-year-old recently released a new single, Cecilia, and is working on her second album. She is also set to perform at Taiwan ...
Save the Music, the nonprofit foundation that grew in popularity on cable TV in the late 1990s through the 2000s, is going indie. Paramount Global is ending its financial support for the nearly 30 ...
Na podstawie art. 25 ust. 1 pkt. 1 b) ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych TVN S.A. / TVN Media Sp. z o.o. wyraźnie zastrzega, że dalsze rozpowszechnianie artykułów zamieszczonych w ...
Actors Moon Choi and Sukku Son are set to star in the indie feature “Bedford Park,” which will mark the directorial debut of writer and editor Stephanie Ahn. The film revolves around an ...
Jak twierdzi Bloomberg, w zamian za współpracę na tym polu, Indie mają nadzieję na ochronę legalnych kanałów migracji do USA, w szczególności w zakresie wiz studenckich i wiz H-1B dla ...
The news was shared on the Balatro social media account, which implored fans to try out more indie games. "The last few weeks have been pretty wild," the post reads. "To everyone who picked up ...