Gujarat officials, on the other hand, said they had plans to release the leopard in the state’s Narmada district but ended up in the neighbouring state due to “poor lighting”.
ADILABAD/NALGONDA/KARIMNAGAR/NIZAMABAD: A few eligible beneficiaries in Adilabad expressed disappointment upon discovering ...
Jay Chaudhry's journey continues to inspire millions, proving that even the most challenging beginnings can lead to ...
Citing Delhi's “poor roads and amenities”, several Purvanchalis say they would back BJP for development and Hindutva; flag ...
Woolworths is the latest business planning to shut in Pendle Hill – leaving the suburb without a supermarket despite the population surge and seniors’ dependence on the service.
For the hundreds of impoverished residents in back-of-the-beyond villages of the tribal district of Sonbhadra, where two ...
Jaipur: The resolve for a self-reliant and developed India is being fulfilled under Prime Minister Narendra Modi by keeping ...
It was the first day of Diwali, and Rupali Hukire (name changed), a 42-year-old beautician, hurriedly cleaned big buckets and ...