Timothée Chalamet Frowning, also known as the Timothée Chalamet Nardwuar interview meme, is a reaction GIF from the actor’s interview with the journalist and comedian Nardwuar. It shows ...
and more related to the stress or exhaustion resulting from things changing at their jobs with no explanation. As the meme spread, new variations spawned rapidly as people added new characters or ...
A dad-to-be is going viral for his reaction to finding out his wife is ... lives up to Pelizzari's description in the clip as the "most relaxed man to ever walk this earth". After walking in ...
I love you, and I still appreciate you’ ’cause I am no man to judge what you do. My job is to live out of love and salute whatever you’ve got going on because I know the battle is rough.” ...
I love you, and I still appreciate you’ because I am no man to judge what you do,” the rapper said. Now, the rapper is calling all of the hate and scrutiny he received a “humiliation ritual ...
The text on the video reads: "Worse than having a wife." The man compared the dog's reaction to a wife who would've been up in arms over his lateness. Except this is worse in his eyes. Who would ...
Admitting to being unfaithful, Zara, while seated on a park bench, was shown begging him for forgiveness, telling him: "I have no justification for anything, the way that I've behaved, the way ...
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, a starter pack, or starter kit, is a type of meme made up of a group of ... be posted by the 6.3 million members. "No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia ...
If you ask me the team is playing like it has played years ago, no, absolutely not ... David Moyes, a man who has twice been parachuted in before to rescue West Ham’s seasons.