“One of Them Days” is a refreshing comedy from producer Issa Rae that follows best friends Dreux (Keke Palmer), a waitress at a Norms Restaurant, and Alyssa (SZA), a struggling painter.
Keke Palmer says her new film with SZA continues a tradition of side-splitting Black comedies with an important message.
I n the first Black women buddy comedy since the Robert Townsend-directed B.A.P.S., (1997) One Of Them Days gives us exactly ...
Lamar Odom revealed details of his reunion with ex-wife Khloé Kardashian, which will be documented on the upcoming season of ...
Like many Americans, Harley Hurosky of Texas decided to take part in the “Dry January” movement and forgo alcohol for a month ...
Here's a look at Ohio State's CFP championship hype video, which is narrated by NBA champion and Ohio State fan LeBron James.