Carrying credit card debt can be a big drain on household budgets. Consumer Investigator Rachel DePompa talks to NerdWallet about ways to address and pay down that debt.
Of shoppers polled by LendingTree, 36% said they racked up debt this holiday season, spending an average of $1,181 per person. Starting the new year with extra credit card debt, especially if you are ...
CBS13 and the Call Kurtis consumer investigative team devised an idea on how to lower what consumers owe on their credit ...
NerdWallet’s annual report shows that household credit card debt growth has slowed, and the gap between wages and cost of ...
Compulsive spending can be a symptom in the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Read more to find out what triggers this ...
The industry should save on interest expenses this year as it follows the Fed's lead in cutting rates. The downside is that ...
The utilization of your home equity needs to be done both carefully and strategically. And it can be done so effectively with ...
Is there a rule of thumb on how long someone should keep their old financial paperwork? I have file cabinets full of old receipts, bank and brokerage ...
With new fee increases and more shoppers ditching cash, small businesses urge their customers to consider sticking with bills ...
Consider using popular rules of thumb to guide your financial path in 2025. Here are three involving budgeting, investing and retirement withdrawals.
Popular credit card rewards types include: Category cash back: Earn higher rewards on specific business expenses like office supplies, utilities, internet services, and gas. Travel rewards: Redeem ...
Consider using popular rules of thumb to guide your financial path in 2025. Here are three involving budgeting, investing and retirement withdrawals.