St. Brigid’s Parish, Cabinteely: Weekday Masses are celebrated in St. Brigid’s Church, Cabinteely on Monday, Tuesday, ...
Bray divers are starting a new diving course this month. There are up to five more places available. Trainees pace through ...
Four years to the day after a chaotic and violent riot on the United States Capitol, a limited-edition Bible endorsed by President-elect Donald Trump was released.
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" as her latest book club choice. The book encourages readers to find peace and purpose.
Twin Falls Public Library works to organize 300 oral history interviews and 600 items, seeking help to create transcripts of ...
In Christ, you have what you need today to live in victory. All you need to do is believe it and do what God is showing you ...
3 And they were calling to one another: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory." ...
6 "I the Lord do not change. So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.