A unique Indy high school program follows students 5 years after they graduate and provides financial help to get them to ...
When you think about a philanthropist, many people would likely think about an established adult, but philanthropy is not ...
We often hear public school educators admitting that a lot of their hard work and dedication go unnoticed and unappreciated.
Nearly half of U.S. public school students were behind grade level in one or more subjects at the beginning of last school year, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Northwestern this fall will become the newest site for Bottom Line, a nonprofit initiative that gives students from ...
ROTTERDAM — The autistic boy who was being educated in a one-desk, windowless room in Schalmont is going to be transferred to another ... school with teachers who have expertise in helping ...
Our educational systems are built on antiquated systems that unfairly and incorrectly position whiteness and heterosexuality ...
When the Strongsville school district announced in August it was going to start drug testing students, there were mixed reactions. On one hand, it’s an effective tool to help keep students on a ...
Bill Oman, the district’s executive director of schools and learning, and Valerie Seeley, Hudson Bay High School ... student told Seeley during the 2013 investigation that she was in one ...
Roberts employee, but was on our high school campus for approximately one week ... and for helping us to ensure that our schools remain a safe place for our students to learn.
From making learning fun for students to lending a hand to any teachers who need it, Summer Hunter was a jack of all trades.
Charlie Johnson was awarded the Medal of Honor 70 years after sacrificing his life to save his schoolmate and nine other ...