In this six-part series, we'll give you quick exercises for different body parts every week to help you stay limber.
No is essential for your well-being, but shaking off guilt can feel impossible—unless you know how to shift your mindset and approach.
Not only was this group more likely to not want to exercise at all, we also found that those who used guilt and self-pressure as motivation were at greater risk of experiencing poor mental health.
The guilt that I’d been wasting all of these ... A 2019 study by This Girl Can found that while 77% of new mums want to do more exercise, for example, 61% would feel bad about spending that ...
Going through this exercise creates the necessary space to look at scenarios through an objective lens without the influence of guilt. 7. Make yourself a priority. Selfish people care only about ...
I want to exercise but I have too many responsibilities. James Rippe, MD A lot of people come to me and they've said well, I'd like to do more in terms of exercise, but I feel selfish. If I go out ...