Growing dwarf apple trees in the backyard & protecting from pests by netting. This variety is the Golden Dorset and I also conduct a taste test after harvesting the fruit. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch ...
Florida’s largest hackathon, took a breather from coding to give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to succeed at the big-time event. When graduation approached, Acosta was determined ...
In the quest to make apple trees more resilient in a warming climate, some researchers in Michigan are looking for a late bloomer.
Then, these Malus coronaria cuttings — along with cuttings from previous hunts — will be grafted onto an apple rootstock. That will allow them to grow into trees which are identical to the ...
A team of researchers from Michigan State University discovered a native tree unlocking the secret to protecting apples from cold weather damage. Steve van Nocker, a ...
Apples are the most accommodating and long lived of fruit trees, and they cope with our wet climate quite well. There are ...
The Hardee County Sheriff’s Office said it has dismantled a large-scale marijuana grow-house operation. They said the bust came after working with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
WIERSDALE, Fla. - Citrus farmer Bill Reed is thankful the frigid temperatures didn't go below freezing. He owns and operates ...
As Florida deals with its latest cold spell of ... has spent the last week trying to save his crop of bonsai trees from freezing temps by covering them with water. The result: A winter wonderland ...
TerMarsch Groves in Juno Beach is the last one standing along U.S. 1 in Palm Beach County. Last October marked the opening of ...