The new year is sweeter when you save lives with LifeServe Blood Center. Donate blood at the Fort Dodge Donor Center, 118 S. 25th St., on Jan. 31 and redeem an exclusive Suger & Spice & Livesaving ...
LifeShare Blood Center is kicking off the Mardi Gras season by encouraging you to join the Krewe of Life and give life to the fullest. Donate at the Monroe or El Dorado donor center on Feb. 6 or 7 and ...
The American Red Cross encourages donors to give blood or platelets now to help protect the blood supply from the ongoing ...
LifeShare Blood Center is kicking off the Mardi Gras season by encouraging you to join the Krewe of Life and give life to the ...
A blood drive will be held from noon to 5 p.m. Monday at St. Bernard Church, 95 E. Corydon St. January marks National Blood Donor Month, a time to recognize the lifesaving contributions of blood ...
Due to the fires and harsh weather, The American Red Cross, the major collector of blood donations, says that more than 12,000 blood and platelet donations have gone uncollected i ...
The American Red Cross’ two-day annual Ohio Valley Media Day Blood Drive started strong on Monday, but is in need of many ...
“Our Frequent Lifesaver Club recognizes and rewards our dedicated donors for saving lives through the generous act of voluntary blood donation,” he said. “A donor earns points every time they donate.
Not everyone can donate blood. Currently only three out of every 100 people in America do. And those who can donate a unit (pint) of blood can do so only every 56 days. But, as every two seconds ...
You can give the gift of life by donating your blood and have a chance to win a Harley-Davidson motorcycle this weekend.
COLUMBIA- The annual blood drive honoring the memory of Officer Molly Bowden is Friday, Jan. 17, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The ...
The young lady believes donating blood is not just a selfless act, but a necessary one. Blood is something that's so simple to give, but it can mean the world to someone who needs it. "Like my ...