“Iron Family” is a dark comedy about the Cheongnyeom Laundry family and their youngest daughter Lee Da Rim (Geum Sae Rok), who has an illness that narrows her vision, as she reunites with Seo ...
“Iron Family” is a dark comedy about the Cheongnyeom Laundry family and their youngest daughter Lee Da Rim (Geum Sae Rok), who has an illness that narrows her vision, as she reunites with Seo ...
Yang Dong-geun as Park Yong-sik (Player 007) (L-R) Kang Ae-sim as Jang Geum-ja, Yang Dong-geun as Park Yong-sik in Squid Game. No Ju-han/Netflix Who is Park Yong-sik? Yong-sik is a gambling ...
Geum Sae Rook and Lee Junho's upcoming collaboration, Typhoon Company, fell through. As per the latest updates, the actress has withdrawn from the drama due to a scheduling conflict. The ...
ILLIT manipulated I'll Like You mini album sales? Here's why the group and HYBE are getting accused Mira Kapoor’s Rs 46,200 metal-studded dress proves you can never go wrong with black Gauri ...
Since the beginning of the latest edition of the Squid Game, things haven’t been easy for Jang Geum-ja and Park Yong-sik. Since the former is an old woman, she cannot play the game all the way through ...