Hero Marhaento menerima dana penelitian dari Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR) project, UNDP. Ardyanto menerima dana penelitian dari Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration (FOLUR ...
Begitu juga halnya dengan korban istrinya almarhum telah dirujuk dari RSUD Muhammad Alikasim Gayo Lues ke rumah sakit Meuraxa Banda Aceh. Hal itu dikatakan Kapolres Gayo Lues AKBP Setiyawan EP ...
TRIBUNGAYO.COM - Jalan penghubung antara Kabupaten Aceh Timur dan Kabupaten Gayo Lues sudah kembali lancar, sejak Jumat (17/1/2025). Jalan tersebut sempat terganggu selama 4 hari sejak longsor ...
A wooden boat carrying over 100 Rohingya muslims, mostly women and children, landed in Indonesia's Aceh province after its engine broke down. The refugees, fleeing persecution in Myanmar ...
JAKARTA, Jan 30 (Reuters) - More than 70 Rohingya came ashore in Indonesia's Aceh province, an official said on Thursday, the latest wave of Rohingyas who often faced rejection from Indonesia's ...
PEREULAK, Indonesia (AP) — A rickety wooden boat carrying more than 100 Rohingya Muslims landed Wednesday in Indonesia as the northernmost province of Aceh continued to receive the refugees ...
We now know more details about Nvidia's upcoming GeForce RTX 5090, RTX 5080, RTX 5070 Ti, and RTX 5070 graphics cards. Here's some broader specs info on every new RTX 5000 GPU. For as long as I ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Beredar sebuah rekaman layar seorang selebrgam Aceh bernama Mira Ulfa yang tengah cari perhatian lewat Live TikTok, di mana aksinya bikin geram masyarakat. Pasalnya, wanita itu ...
Harga emas keluaran Logam Mulia Antam 24 Karat, Sabtu (4/1/2025) turun setelah selama dua hari melonjak. Harga emas hari ini turun Rp 4.000 per gram dibanding kemarin dan berada di level Rp 1.539.000 ...
Among adults aged 50-64, cancer rates are slightly higher in women, and women under 50 are almost twice as likely as men in the same age group to receive a cancer diagnosis. The report ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Pemilihan warna cat genteng bukanlah perkara sepele. Warna yang tepat tidak hanya akan mempercantik tampilan eksterior rumah, tetapi juga memberikan dampak pada suasana di dalam rumah ...
But then I remember, more cheerfully, that this birthday will be taking place in creaking, ageing Japan — a land where grey is the new black, lumbago is the new “Lambada” and 50 is not only ...