In the first installment of "Pillow Talk," Levi Lebovitz analyzes a friends dream, making sense out of apparent strangeness.
Psychiatrist Carl Jung had a theory about the shadow self, in which we are challenged to confront "darker" versions of ourselves in order to grow. Meanwhile, Sigmund Freud believed there's an ...
Life is a unique story written and performed in the tension of invisible strings, unique to each individual, as we are both ...
Nightmares are a universal yet deeply personal experience that has intrigued humans for centuries. These intense, fear-inducing dreams can disturb sleep, create lingering unease, and sometimes reflect ...
The name Wendy surged after the release of the movie and musical Peter ... The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung noted that his colleague Sigmund Freud (German for "joy") advocated the pleasure ...
The concept arose from the work of Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna. Freud’s framework has proven nearly impossible to empirically validate, and his methods are no longer widely used in therapy.
New movies in theaters - Wolf Man, The Last Showgirl & more Four fantastic new movies are come to theaters this weekend including Wolf Man - check them out and watch the trailers to decide what ...
Sigmund Freud is credited with being the father of psychoanalysis. His work involved treating pathologies believed to have originated in the psyche. He was also deeply interested in the effects of ...
The concept of defense mechanisms was developed by Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna Freud. They conceptualized a spectrum from mature to immature defense mechanisms, on which reaction formation ...