An undersea volcano off Oregon's coast will probably erupt in 2025, scientists say. The volcano, known as Axial, is a seamount 300 miles (480 kilometers) west of Cannon Beach, Oregon. The Axial ...
A team of geologists at the US Geological Survey, working with a trio of colleagues from Oregon State University, and another from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has found evidence of ...
The study, led by Sean Regan, an associate professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Geophysical Institute and the UAF College of Natural Science and Mathematics, is featured on the cover ...
Magmatic activity deep beneath the Yellowstone Supervolcano may be shifting in a northeasterly direction. This is the conclusion of a new study by researchers from the United States Geological ...
A week-old deceased infant girl was found in a Cold Spring ditch on April 3, 1980. For more than four decades, her identity was unknown. Advances in DNA technology led investigators to her ...
Jay Temple, a geologist with the Colorado Geological Survey, surveyed the site on Monday, Dec. 30 and spoke with deputies from the Custer County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO).
IPED - Digital Evidence Processor and Indexer (translated from Portuguese) is a tool implemented in java and originally and still developed by digital forensic experts from Brazilian Federal Police ...
Zircons contain radioactive uranium, which decays very slowly, thereby helping geologists accurately date the crystals. Some zircons in the Jack Hills, which date to around 4 billion years ago ...
Earn your forensic science degree from one of the longest-running forensic science programs in the United States. EKU boasts a well-established program with an excellent national reputation as one of ...
forensic geologist etc. The pay packages for a forensic expert is very high with those employed with the government getting a fixed salary that is quite attractive (and especially after the ...