Climate change could increase flood threats without improvements to defences, the Environment Agency warns.
Nearly a million more homes are at risk of flooding than there were six years ago, according to the Environment Agency.
This year, extreme precipitation deluged communities across the United States — a hallmark risk of a warming climate. Government flood-insurance maps often left residents unprepared for the threat.
Yet, as highlighted in recent studies comparing flood risk models developed by the University of California, Irvine (UCI), and First Street Foundation, the disparities between these models can hav ...
While many coastal areas are becoming more prepared for hurricane and tidal flooding, inland flood risk is less understood or easily anticipated. These disasters underscore the importance of fast ...
Reliable models of flood risk are needed to effectively engage impacted communities in adaptation processes and to implement effective and equitable mitigation and adaptation strategies ...
A study finds that many Americans residing in lower-quality public housing face a high risk of experiencing flood-related damage as their homes are disproportionately located in areas of high ...
The detail in the new "flood risk map" also reveals locations that will be largely unaffected. This level of detail, the researchers say, is critical for planning decisions. To create these flood ...
That important agreement details flood risk management along the mighty Columbia, along with other operations. Now, the two governments have drawn up potential plans to help manage the river flow.
The number of at-risk properties could be even higher if more houses are built on floodplains, but could be lower if flood defences are improved. Currently, 6.3 million properties are considered ...
Based on a review of literature pertaining to flood risk, the research team summarizes the reduced accuracy of bathtub models using the critical success index, which scores flood extent accuracy ...