One of my biggest regrets is not letting my kids ... people asked me if I was scared to be an empty nester. Maybe the right answer would have included talking about how sad I was going to be ...
She acknowledged that some parts of being of empty-nester age can indeed be scary. “Your kids are gone. You have to re-meet your partner, you have to re-establish who you are in yourself, and it’s a ...
They have school ... I could have an empty nest in five years, I realized I'd need some friends. It's going to be strange to go from a rowdy house that once held four noisy children to a quiet ...
The reason is simple: Empty nesters — which Zillow defines as "residents ages 55 or older who have lived in the same home for 10 or more years, have no children at home and have at least two ...
I have always disliked the term empty nest ... how quickly children grow up, how parents lose their place as the center of their kids’ lives—and how that change may bring regret and sorrow.