Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and his family greeted throngs of New Year’s well-wishers from a balcony window at the Imperial ...
Also standing on the balcony was Emperor Emeritus Akihito, who abdicated in favor of his son in 2019, and his wife Empress Emerita Michiko, as well as Naruhito’s younger brother and his family.
This headband-style tiara is also reserved for the use of Japan ... It was first worn by then-Crown Princess Michiko in 1959 following her royal wedding. When Michiko became Empress, she set aside ...
In 1995, the 50th year since the end of the war, then-Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko made a "memorial tour" of the three prefectures and the Tokyo memorial hall. They visited Saipan in 2005 ...