Bengaluru: In a horrifying incident of electrocution captured on CCTV, a woman in Karnataka's Kalburgi suffered a massive ...
In Karnataka's Kalaburgi, a woman got electric shock while boarding her son in school bus. The woman's son was also injured in this accident. Both have been admitted to the hospital, where they are ...
Tucked in the report are three programs funded by federal agencies using millions of taxpayer dollars to experiment on cats.
Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops abruptly with little or no warning. It is often fatal. According to American Heart ...
A recent study demonstrated that the ingestion of 2 mg of estradiol facilitates the extinction of a fear response but also ...
“In hospital this week for electric shock to my heart to regulate heart ... Derryn Hinch is taking it easy after treatment for an irregular heartbeat. Pic: Jason Edwards “I was diagnosed ...
This isn’t a cheap purchase, but it’s a quick way to get two massively capable vehicles and the trailer to tow them.
Gympie, a stinging tree native to Australia, delivers excruciating pain upon contact. Its fine hairs inject a neurotoxin ...
According to investigating officer, SI AR Khan the deceased was identified as Ravi Sanwle, a resident of Limbodi. He was a ...
A pregnant woman on Reddit was devastated when her husband got angry with her for going to the hospital after she got ...
There is a temporary tingling sensation during and after treatment. A harmless, but uncomfortable electrical shock may occur if the patient suddenly stops treatment (for example by removing a hand).