An exoplanet in the Trappist star system — a multi-planet star system similar to the solar system and just 39 light-years ...
Do we have a planetary bias when it comes to understanding where life can perpetuate? It's only natural that we do. After all ...
Space weather experts warn that solar activity will persist or even increase after solar maximum has ended and we enter a ...
New images of the sun captured by the Solar Orbiter mission showcase the highest-resolution views of our star’s visible surface ... zone, similar to how hot magma moves within Earth’s mantle.
Earth's tropical rain belt, responsible for monsoons that sustain billions of people and vibrant ecosystems, has long been a ...
The sun’s solar weather ... of sunspots on its surface. Solar flares, plasma energy and other types of space weather increase in tandem with the number of sunspots. The Earth’s atmosphere ...
As India marches ahead with its solar ambitions, it is essential to address efficiency losses that may hamper its potential ...