first saw her face smiling down from enormous posters in the windows of Sephora stores on Long Island and nationwide, Rivera, now 21, has continued growing her modeling career, representing young ...
On the catwalks, models tend to fade into the background behind their clothes. After their walk, we only remember the fabric, ...
The ICOD (Improving Condition in Down syndrome) project, a pioneering study in addressing the cognitive difficulties ...
She, like many other individuals with disabilities, is hopeful about the government's recent launch of a national action plan ...
"Up with Averi" tells the story of Down syndrome from the perspective of a 13-year-old girl. Bartels, of Sioux City, is the author of "Up with Averi," a new book written from the point of view of her ...
Rachel Handlin is possibly the first person with Down syndrome to receive an M.F.A., and one of just a few to hold a bachelor ...
often referred to as demon face syndrome, is a visual condition that causes faces to appear distorted. Individuals with this ...