Gabapentin therapy may lead to increased levels of GABA synthesis. [3–5] Ethanol ... Given the similarity of symptoms among ethanol, benzodiazepine, and gabapentin withdrawal syndromes, the ...
Natural product synthesis aims to prepare a complex target molecule such that the product is analytically identical to the naturally occurring compound, termed a natural product. It is used for ...
Female androgens are derived from either the adrenal and peripheral conversion of the adrenal sex steroid precursor, dehydroepiandrosterone, or from direct ovarian production. Adrenal ...
Catalyst synthesis is the process of fabricating catalytic materials. It aims to optimize factors such as the catalyst activity, selectivity, stability and cost. Constructing catalysts with dual ...
[1] Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Synthesized from Waste Iron Dust for Sunlight-Boosted Photodegradation of Nitrophenols and Their Mixtures ...