With federal student loans, your loan is usually considered in default when you don’t make your scheduled payments for 270 ...
The Biden Administration announced an initiative Tuesday to remove an estimated $49 billion in medical debt from credit reports.
With a new rule from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, you could find it easier to get a loan even with medical debt.
Angel Oak Mortgage REIT (AOMR) specializes in non-qualified mortgages (non-QMs), targeting borrowers outside typical ...
Thanks to regulations, Trump inherits a well-capitalized and liquid banking system. For the sake of the American people, I ...
In the past few weeks, I have heard that sentiment or similar from economists, traders, Hill staffers, and government ...
Most medical debt will be scrapped from consumer credit reports under a final US rule implementing a Biden administration ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced a final rule banning the inclusion of medical debt in credit ...
The move, which comes less than two weeks before President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office, represents a challenge ...
The amendment to Regulation V is expected to raise the number of mortgage approvals by about 22,000 loans per year.
The ruling by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau could help lift credit scores, but it may face legal challenges.
Lenders will no longer be able to consider medical bills in making loan decisions and the bills will be excluded from credit ...