Actor Mohanlal said here on Saturday that the recent dark clouds that emerged over the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) had vanished. “We are seeing the light now as the black ...
Sometimes, though, it can be as simple as going outside because a lot can be learned by just looking up at the clouds. The practice of forecasting weather by observing clouds dates back to ancient ...
Huge quantities of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, are being emitting by oil and gas operators in the 75,000-square-mile Permian Basin straddling Texas and New Mexico The blob on the satellite ...
This is the terrifying moment storm clouds loomed over Highway 360 in Texas. Massive dark clouds were seen swirling ominously in the sky before hail and fierce winds hit Euless on December 16.
The blob on the satellite image is a rainbow of colors. An analyst digitally sharpens it and there, highlighted in red, is the source: a concrete oil pad spewing methane. In the 75,000-square-mile ...
Harmful Gas Billowing From Texas and New Mexico Comes Mostly From Smaller Leaks, Researchers Say The blob on the satellite image is a rainbow of colors. An analyst digitally sharpens it and there ...
In the 75,000-square-mile (194-square-kilometer) Permian Basin straddling Texas and New Mexico, the most productive oil and gas region in the world, huge amounts of the powerful greenhouse gas ...
With the cloud cover, rain chances return Friday into Saturday with another storm system forecast to move into North Texas starting next week. News Today's news ...
East Texas! We are off to another cold start this Thursday morning with temperatures in the frosty 30s! Skies started off mostly clear early this morning, but clouds will increase from the southwest ...