The Surya Namaskar, also known as sun salutation is a sequence of 12 yoga poses (asanas) that are performed for the harmonious flow of the breath and the body movement. Each pose is a representation ...
People who suffer from constipation or indigestion should practise surya namaskar every morning on an empty stomach for best results. 5. Regulates menstrual cycle If you have an irregular ...
Winter is synonymous with sweaters, wholesome meals, and, often, unwanted weight gain. The cold weather and shorter days can lead to a sluggish metabolism, increased cravings, and reduced physical ...
Exhale and bring your palms together in front of your chest, returning to the starting position. This posture helps to centre the body and mind, thereby, completing the cycle of Surya Namaskar.
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) serve as an excellent foundation ... Restorative poses like Legs-Up-the-Wall (Viparita Karani) and Child's Pose (Balasana) activate the parasympathetic nervous ...
To be eligible for the bonus shares, investors need to purchase shares of Surya Roshni today given the T+1 settlement cycle. The 1:1 bonus share issue means that for every share held, shareholders ...
Surya Namaskara, a sequence of twelve yoga postures, revitalizes the body and connects us to the sun's energy. Starting with three rounds offers beginners a transformative experience, building ...
Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar is a series of functional yoga asanas that work multiple groups of muscles at once. This helps in supplementing your weight loss goals. Sun Salutations also help ...
In such a situation, yoga asanas like Chandra Namaskar can prove to be very beneficial. In this article, know from yoga expert Smriti what the benefits of Chandra Namaskar are for women.
[Sammy Omingo, Standard] Each year, millions of women and children globally die from preventable causes. Maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) is a shared global priority, yet we often ...
And to mark the momentous success of his BBC Radio 2 UItra Endurance Cycle Challenge for Children in Need, Paddy revealed he was getting a tattoo of a Patch in honour of Pudsey Bear. In his ...
What these comments all have in common is that they are examples of pursuing behavior, a desperate attempt to get a response, ...